Fundraiser End of Year

Donate $5 today! If you donate $5 or more we’ll send you a beautiful hummingbird sticker representing your solidarity with all of our community’s hard work to grow our movement in 2014! Dear {{ user.first_name|default:”Friend” }}, President Obama is soon going to pass a big milestone–over 2 MILLION deportations, more than any other U.S. President in[…]

Online Petition San Diego Mayor Race

A Latino candidate for mayor depicted as a gang member? Tell Kevin Faulconer to denounce the racist attack! Dear {{ user.first_name|default:”Friend” }}, With only weeks left until San Diego votes on a new mayor, the contest just took a racist turn — a Republican political group mailed voters a picture of Latino candidate David Alvarez that[…]

RSVP Event San Diego Mayoral Race

This Tuesday we’ll deliver thousands of petitions rejecting The Lincoln Club’s dog-whistle racism: Join the petition delivery event! Dear {{ user.first_name|default:”Friend” }}, Great news: more than 10,000 people have now demanded that Republican mayoral candidate Kevin Faulconer repudiate the racist smear attack on his Latino opponent David Alvarez by a local Republican group called The Lincoln[…]

Online Petition Duke Energy Pollution

Dirty Duke doesn’t want you to know just how toxic they are to Latinos. So we created this video to show you just how “Dirty” Duke Energy is. Click here to watch the viceo: Tell Duke Energy to stop polluting our communities and instead support clean energy! Dear {{ user.first_name|default:”Friend” }}, Dirty Duke doesn’t want you[…]

Video Share Duke Energy Pollution

Dear {{ user.first_name|default:”Friend” }}, Dirty Duke doesn’t want you to know what they do. As you read this, Duke Energy—the largest electric power company in Florida—is deploying its powerful lobbyists to try to convince elected officials and regulators to roll back laws that help clean energy economies grow.1 Worse, Duke Energy is wreaking havoc in the[…]

Social Share Duke Energy Pollution

Dear {{ user.first_name|default:”Friend” }}, We’ve got Dirty Duke’s attention. Thousands of Presente members watched and shared our recent video exposing Duke Energy for polluting our communities, and hundreds like you, signed the petition demanding that Duke Energy switch to clean energy—like rooftop solar. But instead of listening to the demands of consumers, they’ve launched a misinformation[…]

Online Petition CA Immigrant Drivers Licenses Marking

Last year we won AB 60 approving driver’s licenses to undocumented Californians. But that could be at risk if the DMV does not make them accessible to all immigrants. Tell the DMV to make sure that driver’s licenses are accessible to all 1.4 million undocumented Californians! Dear {{ user.first_name|default:”Friend” }}, Last year, Californians like you, helped[…]

Call Alert Marking on CA Immigrant Drivers Licenses

The Department of Homeland Security is trying to force the state of California to place discriminatory stamps on driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants. Call your member of Congress to help us push back against the DHS for singling out undocumented drivers! Dear {{ user.first_name|default:”Friend” }}, Right now, the Department of Homeland Security is trying to push[…]

Online Petition Marco Rubio Climate Denier

From: Nicole Hernandez <> Date: Thu, May 22, 2014 at 8:36 AM Subject: Rubio denial not OK To: Melissa Moore <> Tell Senator Rubio: Stop turning your back on the Latino community. We need action on climate change now! Dear Melissa, “There is climate change. The issue is whether there is legislative proposals before us that can do[…]